Kahn Academy
Ever step into a building that simply takes your breath away? You can’t really explain it—maybe it’s the light or the insanely high ceilings. The 20th century saw a number of architects who changed the way we experience our space and public buildings. Louis Kahn (1901-1974) was one of those great minds. Our affinity for Kahn might be biased since his choice building medium was none other than bricks.
He had a saying, which we especially love: “Even a brick wants to be something.” By honoring the integrity of bricks, Kahn created magical structures such as the National Parliament House in Dhaka, Bangladesh and the Kimball Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas.
Kahn didn’t just wake up one day as a master architect, it took years for his talents to develop. When kids experiment with toy blocks they are building in the same geometric style a la Kahn While children’s creations might not be quite as epic as Kahn’s, it’s a great start.
Learn more about how Kahn’s buildings spoke to people on a deeper level: